Vote the #BestInTown to be #TheBest
The 2018 #BEST Competition
It’s time to vote!
Thanks to your votes, we’ve received a nomination as one of the #BestInTown burger joints. We’re humbled and proud that you guys helped us out… but we need your help again to bring this thing home and make it official!
Head over to the RTD “The Best” page and cast your vote for CBF, once per day! Share this blog and have your friends and family do the same. Why, you ask? Well, because, most importantly, we really do believe we are the best in town… but there’s a little more to it than that this year!
Here’s the deal. We think we’re #TheBest. If Richmond agrees, we’re going to throw a party in celebration… and you’re invited!
Vote for Carytown Burgers & Fries!
Once we bring home the bacon, so to speak, we’ll host a BOGO burger party at all 3 locations. We’ll pick out a day, and on that day – every burger you buy? We’ll throw in another for free. The only fine print is that you’ve gotta eat the burger at our place during the party day, the burger has to be of equal or lesser value, and you can’t combine the burger party offer with any other offers. Standard stuff!
So, what are you waiting for? Get to voting! A vote for CBF is a vote for the tastiest burgers in town… and you’ll reap the benefits from our victory!
We look forward to being #TheBest!
Questions? Just need to get in touch? Give us a call, send us a message on Facebook, or contact us online.
Remember, at Carytown Burgers & Fries – it’s not just a burger… anymore!